born in 1994.

I find it difficult to define myself. Not in a way that sounds pretentious, but intrinsically because I think of people as plural forms of expression confined in the shape of a human body.
When I was a child growing up in a small city, at the same time that the world astonished me for its vast possibilities and places to visit and people to meet, I always felt inside my heart that I was ready for it. Ready to explore and devour the different cultures and languages. Not the words that people use to speak or write but the language of emotions, love, affections, politics and every non speaking expression.
I think the result of those interactions, the acts they imply and the atitudes of mind they assume are the core of what constitutes us. For this reason, I usually say that my life has been written by many hands. My path into visual arts begun only after I challenged myself to follow what really moves me allowing me to discover real happiness inside myself, and at meeting people who share this same passion.